The Power of Connection
God works in mysterious ways. We only have to ask and make room for his mighty presence to show up in our lives. It always amazes me how God will begin connecting the dots when you completely surrender and open your heart for him to move. He is waiting for the invitation to be BIG. I was reminded of this on Saturday during a prayer service. Iâve been a little lost lately. Separated from who I know I am in Christ. How does this happen? How can we be so close one minute and so disconnected in another? How do we stay in the promise?
The truth is that God NEVER leaves us. He is the 'still small voice' deep inside that whispers love. Life can get messy, and God doesnât promise that it wonât. But itâs in these messy places where we can choose to stand on Godâs truth. Itâs in these messy places where we learn and grow and begin building our confidence in who he says we are and what he has purposed us to be.
As I was walking out of that prayer service, I asked God to reconnect me with "somebody I know". A very simple request. Just somebody. I needed to see a familiar face. I wanted to make a connection. Instantly, a warm hand touched my shoulder. I turned around to see, Cathy. Girl, where have you been? she shouted. I was overcome with joy. Not only had I reconnected with a friend, it was Cathy!!! My Freedom sister. My girl. Handpicked by our Lord for me. God had delivered BIG on this one. He wanted to bless me. He was waiting for me to ask.
That beautiful reunion, orchestrated by God, has led to this blog for Dream Girls. Cathy invited me in to connect on health. My passion. And I hope a gift to you. I am guided by the truths that God wants freedom for us in all areas of our lives. Healthy Mind. Healthy Body. Healthy Spirit. I am grateful for the opportunity to say hello and enter into this sacred space, Cathy, has created for you. For us. I canât wait to make connections with each and every one of you beautiful ladies. God wants to give us more. He wants us to connect in our struggles and in our victories. He wants our stories to be his stories. God wants to make us healthy and whole so that the story we tell has an eternal impact on His kingdom.
With love,
Elizabeth Savage
Certified Holistic Health Coach
Institute for Integrative Nutrition
